Islam as a religion that regulates all affairs in human life also regulates debt matters. Inequality in material matters is one of the causes of this matter. Many people affected by hours of reduced work to loss of employment and thus have a bearing on the magnitude of the income received and absolutely it is not equal with an expenditure. The concept of accounts payable in Islam is basically to provide convenience for people who are in trouble. Al-Qardh is one of the contracts in the tabarru contract. In classical fiqh literature. Gardh is categorized in agd tathawwui or mutual help contract and not a commercial transaction. . Therefore, it is important for Muslims to know about this debt and credit case so that later they can carry out transactions in accordance with what has been prescribed by Allah swt and there are relieve each other. In this research, literature study is used in collecting data. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses content analysis by analyzing its contents according to the study objectives. The findings in this study are the development of sharia economic law to recognize the position of debt in the perspective of hadith. With this development, it is hoped that it will be able to become a means of building a more substantive, contextual, positive and socially active civilization in the diverse Indonesian state.
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