Pemberlakuan Kembali GBHN Ditinjau dari Aspek Hierarki Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan Konsep Musyawarah dalam Islam

Rizki Pangestu, Nur Kholifah, Ana Eka Fitriani


This article aims to analyze the question of the State Policy Guidelines' (GBHN) rebirth, which is connected to Islam's legal system's hierarchical structure and notion of debate. MPR Decrees must not contradict with the 1945 Constitution because they are placed above the Law and below the 1945 Constitution. This is in accordance with the hierarchical principle, which holds that the contents of a statutory regulation that has a higher level or degree shall not clash with that regulation's provisions. Furthermore, it is feared that if the GBHN is re-rolled, the door for discussion between the government, policymakers, and the community would be closed, making it impossible for them to express their goals in the draft development plans for both the national and regional levels.

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