Tuduhan Zina di Media Sosial Perspektif Fiqh Kontemporer

Mulyadi Mulyadi, Muliono Muliono


This study examines the accusations of adultery on social media. This is important to review because the contemporary society is faced by a rapid changing of information technology. The development of information technology has led to opening the information access in such a way, not only is geopolitical boundaries dwindling but also the opening of information access presents a new symptom, full sensation, and fast-paced change. As a consequence, contemporary society is entering to a new phase called the post truth era. Hoax is increasingly bursting, and even to the hate speech, and assassination character. Virtual reality presupposes the necessity for deeper meaning and ijtihad on Islamic studies, especially the study of fiqh on this phenomenon. This study is intended to explain how the conceptual basis of the word’s position that contains allegation of adultery on social media and how religious institutions interpret the phenomenon of allegations of adultery on social media. The thesis of this study confirms that allegations of adultery on social media cannot be punished by the hadd punishment as usual proposition put forward by the Ulama, but rather to kind of punishment of jarimah ta'zir.

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