Wacana Kritis Studi Ilmu Sosial, Hukum, dan Kedaulatan

Muliono Muliono


This paper offers a new course in understanding of law and society, including in understanding of Islamic law studies. The main objective is for emancipatory movement encouraging legal understanding, legal consciousness, and development in democratic, civilized and prosperous course. This study uses a critical discourse approach that develops in the post-positivism tradition. In principle, this study uses qualitative. By criticizing positivism domination, the idea of critical discourse on social sciences, law, and sovereignty requires a praxis’ notion in everyday life that can be seen in the presence of sovereignty that guaranteed and protected human rights, equality, freedom, and walfare. Therefore, the need of paradigm shift in the study of law and society is the heart of this study. Law is formed for human, humanize the human, and therefore should have the liberation movement.

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