Productive Palm Oil Waqf: A New Approach to Managing Ummah's Funds

Jelli Purnama Sari, Usman Usman


This paper delves into the implementation of palm oil waqf, specifically examining its execution and Islamic legal perspectives, as well as conducting an analysis of the legislation concerning productive palm oil waqf in Nagari Persiapan Mahakarya. This research employs a qualitative field research methodology and adopts a descriptive-analytical approach with a philosophical-legal perspective. The study concludes that the implementation of Productive Palm Oil Waqf in Nagari Persiapan Mahakarya, West Pasaman Regency, encompasses two programs: single palm tree waqf and palm oil plantation waqf covering an area of approximately 1 Ha. The implementation of productive palm oil waqf in Nagari Persiapan Mahakarya represents a strategic and innovative step in waqf development. Furthermore, the philosophical implementation of productive palm oil waqf adheres to the legal permissibility in Islamic law, as it fulfills the pillars and requirements of productive waqf implementation. Similarly, from a legal perspective, the execution of productive palm oil waqf is based on Article 42 of Law No. 41/2004 concerning waqf. However, in terms of practical application, it has yet to fully comply with the positive legal provisions, specifically the recording of the waqf declaration before the PPAIW and the reporting of the implementation of productive waqf to the Indonesian Waqf Board.


Productive Palm Oil Waqf; Nazhir; Ummah's Funds

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