Legality of Marriage from the perspective of Fazlur Rahman's Double Movement Theory

Moh. Farid Fauzi


Underhand marriage has become an open secret and causes harm. In its development, marriages that only meet the legal requirements of religion without considering the progress of the times related to the regulations of the Indonesian State in the 1974 Marriage Law result in the loss of benefits in marriage, including not having the legality to become legal evidence that is recognized to obtain legal protection related to rights. rights as a result of the law of marriage, such as a living and a place to live for the wife/children, hadhanah (childcare rights), inheritance, and others. The results of this study can be explained as follows, firstly, the legality of marriage in the era of the Prophet Muhammad SAW by holding a reception at least slaughtering one goat, there is also announcing it, carrying it out in mosques, and beating the tambourine, and there is also in the hadith of the Prophet the legality of marriage can be realized by there is a guardian and two witnesses. In classical fiqh, marriage is valid when it meets the requirements and is in harmony. Second, regarding the legality of marriage with a review of Fazlur Rahman's Double Movement, it can be seen that there are two movements, the first movement looks at the historical context of what was practiced by the Prophet as well as in classical Fiqh literature. The second movement is by looking at the current context while maintaining the legality of marriage during the Prophet's time and by the classical Fiqh books with additional legality that is by today's era, namely by being registered so that it has legal force. The movements one and two described here contain the benefits


Marriage, Legality, Double Movement and Fazlur Rahman

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