Women In Career From The Perspective Of Islamic Law

Rizqa Febry Ayu, Rozatul Muna


Studies on career women often because debates among scholars because it is considered that women who work outside the home or have a career are deemed to have violated tradition and as a result they can be ostracized among the community and their environment, but the teachings of Islam as a just religion have determined the rights that were lost to women before arrival of Islam and beyond. The provisions relating to men and women are generally described in the Qur’an and hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. But no argument explicitly prohibits women from working or that explains women’s activities. And no evidence explicitly allows women to work. This research focuses on the view of Islamic law on career women. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. The result of this study indicate that the scholars agreed to allow a woman to work outside the home, but on the condition that they have to provide clear boundaries which must be obeyed.


Career woman; Islamic law

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