Imam Syafi’i Perspective on The Theory of Nasikh Mansukh and Its Relevance in The Reform of Islamic Law
Nasikh mansukh is a concept in Islamic law that governs the abolition or alteration of previous laws through more recent revelations. Imam Syafi'i, as one of the main figures in the fiqh school, made a significant contribution to the understanding and application of this theory. This study aims to analyze Imam Syafi’i views regarding nasikh mansukh, as well as evaluate its relevance in the context of modern Islamic law reform. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach, mainly referring to the works of Imam Shafi'i, such as Al-Risalah and Al-Umm, as well as secondary sources that discuss Syafi'i thought. The results of the study show that Imam Shafi'i applies the theory of nasikh mansukh strictly, prioritizing caution in determining which verses or hadiths have been canceled. Although his approach was relevant for his time, the changing social, cultural, and political contexts demanded a more dynamic interpretation of this theory. In the renewal of modern Islamic law, Imam Syafi’i thoughts still have relevance, but must be balanced with a contextual approach that considers the development of the times. The theory of nasikh mansukh can serve as a foundation for the flexibility of Islamic law that remains rooted in authoritative sources.
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