The Phenomenon Of Impulse Buying Among University Students In Padang An Analysis Of Consumptive Bahavior

Najjar Hasibuan


Impulse buying is known as unplanned behavior in consuming an item, this is driven by a consumptive lifestyle that is impulsive or emphasizes emotions rather than rational. Practices like this give rise to the nature of tabzir (wasteful) and israf (excessive) for the perpetrators. This study aims to determine the factors driving impulse buying and the impact of impulse buying on students in the city of Padang. Primary data was extracted through interviews with Padang city students related to impulse buying behavior and secondary data was obtained through journals related to impulse buying behavior. The results of the study show that students spend money unexpectedly or unplanned, which has a major impact on students, including creating extravagant and extravagant behavior. Two factors cause impulse buying, namely internal factors, and external factors. There are two impacts of impulse buying actors, namely the positive impact of reducing stress and creating happiness and the negative impact of the emergence of waste and excess, as well as feelings of regret and guilt because the items purchased are not useful.


Consumption; Impulse Buying; Positive Impact; Negative Impact

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