Koneksi Hukum Keluarga dengan Hukum Tata Negara

Arlis Arlis


The purpose of the study was to find out the connection of Family Law and Constitutional Law through the material content of the Qur’an as the main reference. Furthermore, it is traced to Dustur Nabawiy (Sunnah), The Constitution of Medina, the Constitution of Indonesia, and the opinions of students. The method used is a normative legal (Islamic) research method combined with a method of legal (Islamic) empirical research. The approach used is the approach of sharia intensity. Data collection with documentation and questionnaires analyzed with qualitative analysis. The results showed that the connection of Family Law and Constitutional Law emerged and grew in the spirit of Allah’s law. In its development the spirit of Allah's law in the field of law is practically contaminated by the law of Taghut, resulting in various forms of lawlessness. Violations of the law committed in part successfully processed so that legal practice turns into good. However, some violations of the law even though the legal process has been pursued still appear imperging. This condition is a negative impact when the law are not formulated, established, and applied not based on the Law of Allah the One and Only God.

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