Sarifatun Azkia, Ahdiyatul Hidayah


Polygamy is a marriage performed by a husband when he already has one wife, but he remarries with a new woman without giving up the status of the first wife, and so on until a maximum of four wives. Indonesia prioritizes the principle of monogamy, although it is like that but there is no prohibition on practicing polygamy but conditional. This research focuses on the concept of fairness which is the main requirement in polygamy permits. This research uses a type of literature review conducted by analyzing several literature such as books, journals, laws, the Qur'an and so on. Based on the results of research on Islamic law and positive law (Law number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage and the compilation of Islamic law (KHI)), both have something in common, namely both focus on being fair in the main condition for polygamy, which can minimize the act of polygamy, even though polygamy itself is allowed in Indonesia. The meaning of fair is different, but broadly speaking, the concept of fair here is divided into two kinds, there are external and inward.

Kata Kunci

Polygamy, Islamic Law, Positive Law, Fair

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