Early Marriage Law (Perspective of Islamic Law and Juridic/State Law)

Anita Rahman


The term early marriage has different meanings and times depending on religious or state views. The term early marriage is a contemporary term. "Early" is associated with time, that is, very much at the beginning of a certain time. The age limit of a child is said to be an adult is different. This journal discusses early marriage law, Islamic legal perspectives and juridical/state law. The purpose of this study is to find out what the law of early marriage is, what are the reasons for early marriage and how the impact of early marriage. This research is qualitative research with phenomenological type. Data collection is carried out by means of interviews, with the help of question guides. There are three types of questions asked, namely, what is the law of early marriage, what is the reason for early marriage, how does early marriage impact. Questions were asked to three types of responded, namely KUA officers, witnesses with experience marrying cases of early marriage and perpetrators or those who engaged in early marriage. Interviews were conducted using messages in WA and fieldwork. Interview data was collected, then analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of observations and interviews that the author found related to the law of early marriage is that in Islamic law the marriage is legal, it's just that their marriage is not recognized by State / Juridical law. The reason for the occurrence of early marriage that often occurs is mostly due to promiscuity factors that result in pregnancy out of wedlock, so it is forced to be married at a very young age.

Kata Kunci

early marriage; Wedding; Islamic Law

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