Unveiling Legal Dimensions: Polygamy Permit Decisions No. 329/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Pdg in Padang Religious Courts

Mhd. Ilham Armi, Utari Roza Elsera


This article analyzes the legal considerations behind granting a polygamy permit application by the Padang Religious Court in Decision No. 329/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Pdg. Under national legal regulations, polygamy is governed by Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage. The practice of polygamy in Indonesia carries legal consequences, including the potential for divorce from an existing wife. Despite being regulated by national legislation, divorce resulting from unwillingness to participate in a polygamous marriage is inevitable. However, in a particular decision of the Padang Religious Court, a polygamy license was granted without a prior divorce. Notably, the court granted the polygamy license solely based on Islamic law without considering national law. The research method employed is qualitative desk research, adopting a normative-juridical approach and utilizing secondary data sources, specifically court decisions. The analysis is grounded in Rafael Domingo's holistic legal theory. This article explains that Decision No. 329/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Pdg on a polygamy permit by the Padang Religious Court can be reviewed using a holistic legal approach. This review highlights two key aspects: first, the applicant's interaction with the legal system (judicial system) as a legal subject seeking a polygamy permit by upholding religious values as principles that do not harm anyone (other legal subjects) within the legal system itself. Second, there is a connection between religion and national law when applied in the judicial process. This is evident from the roles of the applicant and respondent, who act as a bridge that connects religion and the state in the judicial process. The judges' legal considerations in this decision also form a meta-dimensional legal framework between Islamic law and national law.

Kata Kunci

Polygamy Permit; Padang Religious Court; Judicial Practice; Holistic Legal

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