Dialektika Islam dan Hak Asasi Manusia: Antara Teosentrisme dan Antroposentrisme
This paper aims to describe and explain the dialectic of Islam and Human Rights (HAM) between theocentrism and anthropocentrism. Whenever a man is born in the have rights and even obligations that must be carried out. Even front of the law, humans must not be differentiated even though they have different status, whether they are rich, poor, skin color, race, differences between men and women, even religion. In the view of Islam on a theocentric order, it has also been stated that humans are born equal; the only difference is the level of piety before God where the rules that are based on the word of God and Human Rights (HAM) have also been explained in the al-Qur’an. However, in an anthropocentrism order, it is humans who are at the center of attention where the rules are made by humans themselves. Therefore, the explanations of the verses of the Qur’an relating to Human Rights (HAM) as well as the rules and articles made by humans are sufficient to strengthen our understanding that Islam makes humans themselves a reference to human civilization. Regarding the discussion in the writings that the author makes, the writer uses the literature method sources, be its books, journals and other articles.
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