Crisis within Crisis: A Trend of Domestic Violence and Divorce during the Covid-19 Outbreak in Indonesia
The high rates of domestic violence and violence against women due to the exponential growth of coronavirus case expose alarming and worisome humanitarian crisis due to the exponential growth of corona virus (Covid-19). As the country with the highest coronavirus case in Southeast Asia, the prevalence of domestic violence in Indonesia is very important to be revealed. This paper aims to provide a factual depiction and analysis of gender regarding trend in domestic violence and its impacts which can be seen in the form of divorce rate. The findings of this study confirm that during the covid-19 cases of violence against women have dramatically increased. Covid-19 has become a trigger to the emergence of domestic violence. Compared to developed countries, the violence and divorce rates in developing countries, such as Indonesia are more severe and have a longer impact on women. Not only do women after divorce, being the head of family, have to bear psychological burdens, but also are face with the needs to make the ends meet for their family while it is not easy for accessing job. Therefore, this study is expected to have implications for the creation of public policies in favor to vulnerable groups of the domestic violence victims.
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