Implementation of Qur'anic Waqf for Prospective Brides in KUA Sungai Beremas

Nurlativa Harmila


This writing is motivated by the existence of an incident in the community, namely in the Beremas River area, where in this area every bride and groom who want to get married are required to provide waqf in the form of an al-Qur'an, of course, this becomes an interesting issue to discuss. studied more deeply because in classical fiqh the object as waqf is in the form of valuable goods such as land that will be used for the benefit of the people, while what if waqf is used with the Qur'an? The research method that the author uses in this research is the approach of this research using a qualitative approach which is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from the people and actors of interest, as well as conducting interviews with KUA Sungai Beremas officers. From this research, it can be concluded that the implementation of waqf al-Qur'an is a new tool that makes it easier for people to make waqf and also to introduce to prospective followers that waqf does not have to be expensive and valuable. This activity is a good thing because it fosters the enthusiasm of the community to make waqf even in small amounts. However, the waqf of the Qur'an must be distributed in the right and correct way so that the purpose of the waqf is channeled to the community.


Implementation, waqf, al-Qur'an

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