Aulia Rahmadani


This article aims to describe how the differences in the law of receiving rewards for performing badal Hajj by comparing the opinions of two scholars from the Hanafi and al-Shafi'i Mazhabs, namely Imam al-Sharkhasi and Imam an-Nawawi. The research method used is qualitative research with a descriptive analysis approach, which describes how the law of receiving compensation from the implementation of badal Hajj by comparing the opinions of Imam al-Sharkhasi and Imam an-Nawawi. The data sources used are secondary data sources, namely Kitab al-Mabsuth by Imam al-Sharkhasi and Kitab al-Majmu' Syarah al-Muhadzdzab by Imam an-Nawawi as well as books and articles based on OJS (Open Journal System) on the law of abortion of the womb in less than four months of age. Data processing techniques are done by processing library materials (library research). Techniques in analysing data analysed by descriptive analysis using the techniques of reduction, display, and verification. The findings: First: The arguments used by Imam al-Sharkhasi include al-Qur'an Surat al-Najm : 35 and Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad; Imam Abu Daud, an-Nasa'I, Ahmad, Hakim and Tirmizi. While Imam an-Nawawi used the Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim. Second: The cause of the difference in opinion between Imam al-Sharkhasi and Imam an-Nawawi is in terms of arguments and methods of istinbath law. Third: After analysing the opinions of Imam al-Sharkhasi and Imam an-Nawawi, the arguments used in istinbath law and the method of determining the law regarding the law of receiving wages from the implementation of badal Hajj or Umrah, then the author does tarjih, then the author chooses the opinion of Imam an-Nawawi that it is permissible for someone to receive wages from badal Hajj.



Badal Haji; Imam an-Nawawi; Imam al-Sharkhasi

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