Moefty : Jurnal Perbandingan Mazhab dan Hukum

Moefty: Perbandingan Mazhab dan Hukum, with registered number ISSN 2548-4966 (Print) published by the Comparative Mazhab Study Program, Faculty of Sharia, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. This journal specializes in the study of legal thought or comparative law which contains scientific works related to thinking in the field of (positive) law, fatwa development, comparison on Islamic schools, personal law and Islamic family law and other relevant aspects.

Moefty: Perbandingan Mazhab dan Hukum is published twice a year (June and December). Please read these guidelines carefully. Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of Moefty should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will BE REJECTED by the editors before further reviewed. The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format.


Journal Homepage Image

Vol 13, No 1 (2024): Moefty: Jurnal Perbandingan Mazhab dan Hukum

Table of Contents


Aldy Darmawan, Nurul Izzati
Muthia Afriza
Nanda Andika Yufa
Arfandi Arfandi, Ahmad Suryadi
Aulia Rahmadani
Khairul Umami, Mega Puspita
Pebriani Pebriani Pebriani
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